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God Or Santa, The One Just As Real As The Other

The archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, went to the Trades Union Congress to denounce Amazon for avoiding taxes and to brand zero-hours contracts as “evil”, only to discover that the church has huge investments in Amazon and his own cathedrals advertise for zero-hours posts.The Guardian 2018.

Yet again the churches show a lack of empathy with their parishioners. The churches’ egos permeate it’s priests and clergy, from the hierarchy down to those who are given charge and control of a parish.

The sins of the Catholic Church are still echoing around the Vatican as it tries to cover it’s tracks of debauched child molestation throughout the Holy Roman Empire. Meanwhile, the latest explosion of child abuse is rattling around Westminster Abbey. The Head of the Protestant church in England and Wales, archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, (see quote above) has resigned his post. He’s resisted admitting any wrongdoing on his part in the cover up of appalling abuse over decades, inflicted on young boys by one John Smyth. Smyth entrapped boys attending summer camps, which he ran for Evangelical Christian youngsters. He eventually fled to Zimbabwe where he continued his abuse on African victims and died in 2018 before he could be extradited back to Britain.

We read it everywhere. The churches are riddled with these types of abhorrent crimes, as clergy misuse their positions of power and trust to propagate sexual violence against the young and vulnerable. 

Not quite on par with the sins of John Smyth or the Vatican, we read this week of a certain ‘Reverend’ Dr Paul Chamberlain, who while visiting a UK primary school (children 5 years to 11) took it upon himself to tell the children that Santa Claus was entirely fictitious and it was their parents who bought the presents and ate the biscuits left out for Santa. 

Understandably, this left the children upset and sobbing at the news this egocentic vicar had chosen to reveal to them. To say nothing of the outraged anguish of the parents who had to console their offspring.

All told it serves to prove that these so-called “Holy” men who choose to bestow on themselves the titles of “Reverend,” or “Very Reverend,” are in fact very flawed and unfit for the job their “God” has chosen for them. 

Churches everywhere are just businesses running vast pyramid-selling schemes to trap vulnerable people.  The hordes of wealth these institutions accumulate tax free allow limitless power to those of all ranks, none of whom has a phoneline to their god despite the ‘Holy Book’ sermons they spout from their pulpits every Sunday.

Perhaps the Reverend Dr Paul Chamberlain could have added a postscript to his sermon for the school children, by stating that Santa Claus was just as real as the ‘God’ he was telling them to worship.

2 Replies to “God Or Santa, The One Just As Real As The Other”

  1. It’s truly horrifying in all the so-called Christian faiths and the fact that they assign themselves such power (through money) gives them an elevated status.

    The hypocrisy of all of them swanning around in their tax free status lording it over the poor and mostly ill-educated, preaching from the on high, translating from their imaginary god is sickening.

    I have known far too many victims of these evil monsters, damaged for life.

    Time they were trashed and banished.


  2. WWW ~ yes, and this latest British farce that’s resulted in Welby, the head of the Church of England resigning, means that Stephen Cottrell, presently Archbishop of York, will take Welby’s place. Except there’s now loud calls from many of the victims for Cottrell to resign, given he was just as guilty as Welby in covering up the abuse of the priest, David Tudor. Seriously, you could not make this stuff up!

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