There’s been much speculation in the media as to why the far-right is gaining so much power in national elections. The general opinion is that the rise in wealth by the 1%, and subsequent fall in living standards for the rest, has provoked a backlash against ruling political parties who are seen as not doing enough for the ordinary people left to scratch a living as best they can.
While this is an obvious and acceptable opinion of the situation I believe there has to be another factor causing sane and sensible people to choose far right-wing, possibly fascist-leaning, politicians rather than the less extreme parties that would normally be considered as more suitable to govern.
It should be noted that almost without exception, far-right politicians are deniers of human induced climate change. Many of their parties are at least part-funded by the oil and gas industry. Why would folk with genuine concerns about the climate vote into power politicians who deny it is happening?
There have been many cinematic ‘Holocaust’ type films over the years, portraying various aspects of a world in climate chaos. People are well aware of the serious consequences of a climate out of control. In blunt terms, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Societal breakdown, the rise of ruthless, cold-blooded, warrior types given free reign in a world bereft of law and order.
We saw it in Iraq when ISIS were running riot. We see it now in places like Sudan, Gaza, parts of Africa where terrorist gangs roam freely. These are not places where we would wish to plan our next summer vacation. To be there would be to share the suffering, the tortures, the rapes, the enormous loss of life. Much better not to think about it. Switch from those pictures on our news screens to a nice family comedy, something to laugh and feel good about. After all, Sudan is a long way away. Life is normal here. Let’s keep it that way.
Maybe Mister Trump is right that it’s all a ruse, a plot of the ‘Deep State’. But what is the ‘Deep State?’ Basically, it’s an emotive phrase to undermine the vast numbers of civil servants working to thrust into reality the demands of their government. Every government needs civil servants. They are the backbone of government. The term ‘Deep State’ has been both invented and emotionalized in far right political circles to produce an ‘Oooh’ reaction in their followers, a mix of fear and pleasure designed to draw people to the speaker emotionally. The marketing industry uses them all the time. There are webpages devoted to them. They’re known as power words, phrases that influence, persuade and convert.
There have been many such politically emotive words and phrases throughout history: ‘illuminati’, ‘big lie’, ‘fake news’, ‘alt-right’, ‘post- truth’, all serve to produce reactions in followers by suggesting that those using these phrases know more about what they represent, than those hearing them.
Consequently, when Nigel Farage, the leader of Reform UK, a far-right political party, smears anthropomorphic climate change as a ‘scam’ his followers are happy to go along with it. Why? Because if their ‘Nige’ says it’s a scam then it must be, because he knows more about it than they do.
Basically, it’s a simple mind block. To consider the consequences of runaway climate change are too distressing to think about, so if good old Nigel, or Donald, tell you it’s not going to happen, then why worry? Push it away, out of sight out of mind, and get on with life.
It’s all part of the craft perfected by the far-right, to give the impression that with them in power life for the ordinary person in the street will be a bed of roses.
In reality, of course, nothing is further from the truth.
Oh we write a little on similar themes today but as my rant was longer than intended I shaved wars and climate change from it. It’s not in the oligarchs interest to do anything about climate change. Let the oil flow. Let’s frack the wilderness and parks, who needs ’em.
Monetize everything you can get your hands on. Don’t educate the peasants and for gawd’s sake, keep women in the kitchen or on their backs. birthing. White Xtian babies only please.
It’s all so effing predictable and terrifying.
WWW ~ How did we get to this? What you wrote above in your comment is the future. Dictators are multiplying faster than Donald Trump’s lies. They all sing from the same songbook: climate change is a hoax so stop worrying about it and get on with your lives. Just live them the way we tell you and you’ll be fine. How did we get to this state of self-destruction?