Here is a Christmas message for all those folk out there who think that climate change isn’t happening or is just some freak of nature that’s going to disappear on its own. Get your head out of your asses and look around you.
Here is a Christmas message for all those Americans who are appalled that Joe Biden has commuted the death sentences on thirty-seven federal death row prisoners, to life without parole. Go stick your heads up your asses so we don’t have to listen to your pathetic, self-righteous, whingeing anymore.
Here is a Christmas message for the bullies: Benjamin Netanyahu, Vladimir Putin, and all the other sick bastards on this planet who get their kicks by torturing, maiming, and waging genocidal war on innocent folk. I don’t believe in the God or gods to whom you pretend to pay homage, and in who’s name you commit your vile atrocities. Sometimes I wish I did. Then I could take pleasure from imagining you burning for eternity in the lake of fire you call Hell. For that is surely what you deserve.
Here is a Christmas message for all the police officers and military personnel who blindly follow the orders of dictatorial governments and politicians, and are used as pawns in the defence of those governments against their own people. You disgust me. Your job is to defend your country and the citizens of that country. You are not there to safeguard those who would massacre their own citizens. To do so is to besmirch the uniforms you wear. Next time you are told to shoot, or tear-gas, or water-cannon innocent citizens standing up for their rights, turn your guns, your tear-gas, your water-cannon on the evil ones from whence your orders came.

Finally, Here is a Christmas message for all the decent upright citizens of this planet Earth. We can live in peace together, whether we are of a religion, or an atheist like me. I don’t need a god or an afterlife to care for others. I don’t need the carrot of a reward in heaven for doing good, or the stick of Hell if I do bad things. If you feel you do, then that’s fine. We are all decent human beings who just want to live our lives peacefully, without fear of the bullies. There are eight billion of us…
…and only a handful of them.
Are we to continue to allow them to destroy our peace and invade our rights? To you good people the message is for a joyous and peaceful Christmas and let’s make 2025 the beginning of a time when we take back control from those who would harm us and enslave us.
To all the decent, caring people in our world, a Very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year.
One of your more powerful posts ever RJA. So well said and felt and I am with you 100%. I do hope righteousness prevails in 2025 as the feeling of ennui and hopelessness besets us all from time to time. Our overlords seem to be thriving and worst of all unaccountable for all the ceaseless suffering they are inflicting on the innocents.
Rampant greed and endless exploitation of Mother Earth has enormous consequences for the future of humanity.
Thanks for being there, my friend.
WWW ~ Thanks for your comment. A late response I’m afraid as Covid struck again over Christmas and I’m only just beginning to recover.
I really grow tired of the press and general media coverage given to people who are doing enormous harm to society by their actions and the sense of invincibility they engender by their vast wealth. France has done much to curtail negative social media but it’s not enough and politicians seem more concerned with toadying to these creatures than using the power of law to reign them in. Money changing hands? I wonder!